April fools! Well, not on purpose… in our recent annual meeting Dave Klaus, USPS representative, estimated that the post office would open on April 1! Unfortunately, they hit a roadblock. An electronic device essential to operating the post office was found to be defective and beyond repair. A new one has been ordered and could take a week or more to arrive. We will keep you updated and let you know when USPS will open their door!
Image by Dr Edwin C Yoder in 1938 or 1939
CLICK HERE: Olga Store Public Meeting Zoom Link
A fantastic local artist, Caitlin Fowler, volunteered her talents to decorate some stools donated by an Olga neighbor.
They are a wonderful addition to the the community area.
You can learn more about Caitlin on Instagram @caitlin.ann.art or by emailing her -OCS.caitlin.fowler@gmail.com
December 2023
The Post Office area is complete. We are now waiting for the County Inspector to issue an Occupancy permit and for The Post Office to bring their computer technicians.
The Orcas Food Co-op folks are busy making final plans for their space. Please take and share the survey by December 18th to tell them what you want to see in the store!
Our neighbor and part of a 5th-generation Olga family, Lloyd Warren, has completed installation of replica
gas pumps that he generously donated!
The Post Office opening will be delayed due to a delay with establishing WIFI service for their computer system. We expect the WIFI to be working by December 7th, and then The Post Office will need about a week to finish their preparations.
Don’t despair!! We will really be opening soon! And we will keep you updated along the way.
Meanwhile, other work is proceeding! Most of the Board for the Friends of the Olga Store met a few days ago to check out what’s happening. We are as excited as everyone else to see our beautiful Olga Store building revived!
Please take this SURVEY to let us know what you want to see on the shelves at The Orcas Food Co-op at The Olga Store! Thank you!
2019 Building purchased
2019 Initial plans approved
2019 USPS 20-year lease signed
2019 Orcas Food Coop agreed to lease space
2019 Demolition needed for renovation started
2020-2022 COVID
2023 Full steam ahead!
Finished demolition
Permits approved
Inspections passed
New subfloor
Studs for walls
New siding
Siding painted (Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers!)
New porches (railings will be finished by end of August.)
Dry wall (August)
Floors (August/September)
Sheetrock started August 16.
Flooring installation will begin by the end of August.
Please bear in mind that our expenses took a huge hit from COVID and other related issues(delayed permits etc.). The almost 3-year delay meant that donations were used to cover operating costs, including electricity, property taxes, insurance etc., before any rental income was even received. The price of lumber and other supplies went up significantly.
We are prevailing, and still need your help!
New siding (labor)* $ 16,000
Plumbing $ 25,000
Electrical $ 19,000
HVAC $ 35,000
Insulation $ 9,000
Porches $ 15,000
Dry Wall $ 14,000
Interior Finishing $ 15,000
Flooring $ 20,000
Concrete $ 13,000
Dump fees $ 7,000
Other Carpentry $ 9,000
Windows $ 2,000
Trim Work $ 15,000
Misc. Labor $ 6,000
Other $ 5,000
TOTAL $225,000
*Siding was donated
We need at least $225,000 to pay for the rest of the work. Ideally, we would raise $250,000 to speed up repayment of loans and build up an endowment for maintenance, expenses and future projects. Throughout this project, we have continued to apply for grants, but our primary support continues to be our fantastic Olga Store community near and far!
We have thank you gifts for each $50 (or more) donation – choice of t-shirt or hat. After you’ve donated, send an email with your address, item choice and size to friends@theolgastore.org and we will mail or deliver your Olga store swag! THANK YOU!
OLGA DAZE is just around the corner!!!
Saturday July 15th.
10 am - 2 pm
Come down to the Store for
Games, Spin the Wheel, Go Fish, Ring Toss, Prizes, Olga Store souvenirs!
Seeing is believing!
Don’t miss your chance to tour The Olga Store renovation progress.
When: THIS SUNDAY May 7th
Snacks provided by Orcas Food Co-op! Special buttons made by board member Liz! Come check it out!
Above photo submitted by Karen Hays, taken in 1993 by Amy Norquist
Newsletter #4 — June
Roadblocks and Resilience
We thought we were going to tell you that work was ready to begin on the Olga store building this month.... but in the past couple of weeks we have encountered some major roadblocks.
San Juan County updated their permit requirements around the end of 2020 and did not notify us until mid May. Now we need to provide the County with additional architectural documents, which we are working on diligently to meet the requirements of San Juan County.
We expect to choose an architect in the next 2-3 weeks or sooner.
Unfortunately, we are unable to predict how long it will take to get all the necessary approvals from the county.
These issues are a terrible blow to our community project, along with COVID delays, but our FOSB Board continues to be committed to assuring this project is done correctly.
We all want our Post Office back! We all want our Co-op to move in!
Now for some good news-
The wood planks for the counters in the Store and community areas are now being kiln dried.
There will be a work party to clean up around the outside of the Olga Store Building by the 2nd week of July!
Hopefully next summer we will all witness the grand return of The Olga Store AND Olga Daze festivities!
Newsletter #3
— May 12, 2021
We are having the septic system upgraded to meet the requirements for the Coop, and permits should follow very soon.
We also received the final paperwork from the Post Office!
SO.... renovations on the Post Office will be starting in June!
As we begin to pay off our loans, and prepare to dive into renovations, we are preparing for a final fundraising push! We will release a new goal and breakdown of our 2021 operating budget soon.
Thank you all for your continued support!
We are well on our way now to stepping back into The Olga Store.
The Olga Store Newsletter -- Issue 2
March brought us the first day of Spring and confirmation that sunnier times are on their
way! We had sun, we had hail. Flowers began to bloom and progress continued on the Olga Store.
We still await building and occupancy permit approval from the county.
Meanwhile, our community is milling local trees into wood for the tables and counters in our community seating area.
Our discussions with USPS to finalize building plans are ongoing and positive.
Ongoing also… our need for donations!
As we begin to make payments on our loans, and begin to dive into construction, we are revving up for another fundraiser that will allow us to renovate urgently and open as soon as possible.
Thank you all for the continued support and enthusiasm!
Remember when this was our Olga Post Office, just a year ago?
USPS is starting to finalize design decisions this week as we await building permits from the county.
We can feel spring energy in the air, and expect to start construction on the new Olga Post Office within the coming few weeks!
Thank you!
Thank you all, for fully funding our exterior siding project through OICF’s Holiday Give! We met this goal 5 days early.
We got our “Olga” back!
We got our "Olga" back on the new roof!
AND today our building permits were filed with the help of Cory Harrington, of Permit Resources, who has been so generous with his expertise throughout this process.
Together, in these wild times, we are bringing this collective dream to life. Thank you all!
After much effort from our board member Bizzy Riley, The Olga Store is officially registered as a Historic Building in Washington State!
Our fundraiser for construction costs is well underway. Please continue to donate! The sooner we meet our goal, the sooner we welcome you back in The Olga Store.
Thank you for you support. Our collective dream has nearly come true!
Now we build!
Click to read our recently mailed fundraising letter, donation form, photo spread, and FAQ.
Aug. 29th Traffic & Parking Meeting
In attendance were County Commissioner Rich Hughes, Public Works Director Colin Huntimer, Director of Community Development Erika Shook, Traffic Committee Chair Lorna Rhodes, and FOSB board members Debbie Durand, Gay Paresky, and Oshen Schiweck.
Ideas presented:
-Change the speed limit inside the Olga Hamlet from 25mph to 20mph and place the initial sign at Olga Road, 30ft beyond the intersection
-Move current turn-around sign to a new location on Olga Park Ln.
-Create a cul-de-sac on Olga Park Ln., south of the Olga Store Building.
-Post a “one way” “private drive” or “no outlet” sign beyond the cul-de-sac.
-Place “No Parking" signs along the south side of The Olga Store building.
It's official... USPS just signed a lease with Friends of The Olga Store!
We are busy these days planning renovation and attending permit hearing with San Juan County.
Thank you to Anne Bertino (www.plan4space.us) for the illustration and Cory Harrington (https://www.facebook.com/Permit.resources/) for generously helping throughout our permitting process!
Stay tuned, and donate today towards renovation today!
Traffic Committee Update by Lorna Rhodes:
"Although we haven’t been able to meet in person, I have had a chance to discuss their concerns with
committee members in person or on email.
1. Lighting: A desire not to have any flashing or obtrusive lights, either at the entrance to Olga Hamlet or near the Store.
2. Signs: Concerns about excessive signage or roadwork.
3. Speed: An on-going concern (long predating the proposed development of the Store) that traffic be slowed as it enters the hamlet.
4. Parking: The main concerns about parking had to do with the desire of individuals living near the Store to prevent parking directly in front of their property or in driveways.
No member of the committee expressed an objection to the development of the Store."
If you have any additional concerns please email them to us at friends@theolgastore.org. We are listening!
Meet our contractor,
Taylor Robinson!
Here he is… our contractor, Olga local, Taylor Robinson! Taylor will be working along with volunteers once building permits are in hand, to renovate The Olga Store unto its new vision.
We are so excited to have him on board!
Taylor moved to Orcas 12 years ago with his family and has been an Olga resident since 2012. He has over 20 years of experience working in construction. While he is passionate about his work as a carpenter and contractor, his greatest joy in life is being a father. Taylor and his partner recently purchased a property in Olga where they plan to build a home. He is grateful to have an opportunity to be a part of this community project and is looking forward to making memories at The Olga Store for years to come.
Our new railing up, thanks to volunteers, what a beauty!
On June 5th we quietly reflected on our one-year anniversary. We are amazed by the dream YOU all have helped bring into reality in just one year!
Along with our island, country and world, The Olga Store is suspended in the unknown and a period of waiting. It is our hope that The Olga Store can be a beacon amidst all that is happening in our world.
We are eager to get our Post Office back in Olga, and our Co-op grocery opened as soon as possible. And yes, we need YOUR participation!
Here are three ways you can support today…
1) Write a letter to the county before July 10th, in support of The Olga Store project during our open comment period with SJC until July 10th. Please clarify that you want USPS and the Orcas Food Coop in The Olga Store. These comments will be part of the record during the hearing on July 22nd to determine if our project will be permitted.
Community Development
PO Box 947
Friday Harbor WA 98250
Please send digital copy to friends@theolgastore.org
2) Attend our community Zoom meeting
As we are waiting for our Land Use permit applications to be approved, we will host a Zoom meeting in July, inviting the community to share feedback and ask questions. Expect an email from us in two weeks.
3) Donate amidst our soft opening, for our final campaign-- PHASE 3—Renovation https://www.theolgastore.org/donate
Covid delays have impacted our grant application processes with San Juan County Land Bank and other organizations. Our small amount of funds remaining after purchase, are running dry. It is time to start building our effort and budget so that we can swiftly renovate The Olga Store once we have permits in hand. The following costs are impending: Licensed paint removal from exterior of building, repainting the exterior, installing a new heating system, sealing the windows to be more energy efficient, etc. We will soon release an updated Pro Forma and Business Plan, as well as an itemized estimate from our contractor.
What have we been up to?
Over the past few months we have been slowly and steadily chipping away at what maintenance and progress we have been able to begin. With entirely volunteer labor, we have:
-completed surveys land use and Building Permits
-applied for Land Use Permits
-prepared documents for building permits. (We can apply once Land Use Permit is finalized by
-replaced the front porch railing
-weeded and landscaped
-updated our sewage system
-came to an agreement with contractor, and Olga-local Taylor Robinson!
-signed our side of the lease with USPS (We expect to have their signature by end of June)!
-finalized our lease/letter of intent with Orcas Food Co-op!
-continued our grant application with San Juan County Land Bank
-continued to actively apply for a building loan
-prepared USPS space for their build-out contractor
Thank you to all the volunteers who have been showing up...
Rob Meyer, Jerry Weatherman, Matt Wolff, Kupono Robinson!
Thank you all for your resilient support and collaboration! We are continuing to build a new future for The Olga Store, one that is so needed in these times.
Friends of The Olga Store Building
Volunteers Rising!
Volunteer Jerry Weatherman and Board Member Oshen working on maintenance of a rotten rim board, in Covid compliant fashion.
We hear you, those who have emailed... and we want our PO boxes back in Olga as soon as possible too!
Donate or volunteer towards the Remodel today!
We're in this together and doing what we can at this unprecedented time to organize, fundraise and move forward.
Thank you all for your commitment to rebuilding our beloved community space, together. I think we feel the importance of such spaces now more than ever. It's time to reach into our pockets and roll up our sleeves for this final push, as the sunny months dawn. Be well!
We signed a lease with USPS and sent it in for their final stamp of approval!
We are experiencing delays and hold-ups on fundraising and applications, due to the pandemic, but are continuing to work on what we can from a distance.
Be well folks! Stay tuned!
3/10/2020 We’ve applied for use permit with San Juan County, thanks to Cory Harrington at Permit Resources for help! Let’s hope it moves swiftly through the system.
Rummage Sale Dream Team!
This dream team of volunteers, (and more not pictured) and all of you who came out to donate and buy, made our Rummage Sale a huge success!
Thank you!
Our shared dream has been to build, strengthen and celebrate community within this beloved building...and it is happening abundantly!
Olga Store Shirts!
These beauties were are true community effort too... drawn by Rithambara Tyson, designed by Leon Rosenblatt and generously printed by Printshop Northwest at-cost.
By demand we will have another print-run soon and post details. Stand by!
As of this morning, we the community, own The Olga Store!
It took community to buy and it will take community to build!
Stay for ways to help.
Thank you to all who believed!
Give someone, or yourself, the gift of The Olga Store this season. Preserve history, build community, support the collective dream coming true!
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Store…
Not a creature was creaking 'cross old wooden floor;
The lit tree stood in the window with care,
In hopes that all donations soon would be there;
The board members nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of opening danced in their heads;
And Olga in her red door, white dress and green cap,
Had just begun waking from decade-long nap,..."
Happy Holidays from The Olga Store!
Friday December 6, 2019
November 30, 2019
Photo by Three Ponies Photography (https://www.facebook.com/threeponiesphotography/) taken spring of 2019 of Molina Stone, owner/operator of the farm stand on Trailhead Road know as “Little Island Chic”.
updated November 20
I moved to Olga in 1984 and rented the large white house to east of the store until 1987. From 1988 to the early '90s, my wife Sandra and I owned the house right right around the bend. We both have deep roots on Orcas, and watched over the years, sadly, as ownership and businesses at the Olga Store came and went. I'm a part-time artist and have websites on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/olgapark) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pg/OlgaParkArt/shop/). As you'll see from both home pages, Olga is never far away and figures prominently in my work. I also have 40 years of experience in urban planning and environmental impact assessment (most of it in Washington State). Although we currently live out of state, given this experience, I'm happy to contribute any services remotely that may useful to your effort .We plan to make a contribution to your fund before the November 30 deadline.
We're so grateful for your program. This a generational effort that will protect an important cultural land historic treasure.” -Richard Butler
Jethro says pledge today! 1,000+ letters coming at yous. November 30 is our deadline to match $200,000 and we are $140,000 away as of today!